What comes to mind when people say they want to get fit?
Generally, fitness can be categorized by 4 main components.
While there a more components that are related to fitness, Eg. power, speed, agility (which are generally considered skill related components of fitness), research has shown that its important to improve the above 4 main aspects. Each has different benefits but doing one kind of component can improve your ability to do the others.
What are they?
The ability to carry work against resistance.
Eg. Weight training. increase muscles mass, increases bone density, protects joints from injury, increases flexibility. (Just so you know, more muscle mass =more calories burnt at rest) no you wont look bulky!! Can reduce symptoms of arthritis, also makes day to day activities/chores easier!!
Aerobic - requiring oxygen.
Eg. Any physical exercises that require oxygen as the primary fuel source. Swimming, jogging, cycling, walking, skipping.
Improving aerobic fitness improves blood volume, distribution to muscles. Improves cardiovascular efficiency. Lowers blood pressure, reduces risks of heart disease, stroke and obesity.
Ability to passively move muscles or muscle groups through their range of motion.
Eg. Yoga, dynamic/static/ballistic stretching. Flexibility helps prevent injuries, promotes recovery from physical activity, improve posture and balance, improve physical performance.
Percentage of muscle, fat, bone and water
within the body.
Assessing, monitoring and maintaining a good body composition can help reduce diabetes, hypertension, heart disease. It can allow us to move and exercise more freely, increases our functional ability, boosts self-esteem.
Get in touch now to find out how you can start your journey to a new and better fitness level.
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